Sunday, February 15, 2009

Engagement and Wedding Pics

It was fun to dig up these pictures. In some ways, our wedding seems like it was a lifetime ago! It was 1998, the year of "El Nino." It was probably the hardest rain we've ever seen in our lives and there we were walking around in it, taking pictures! I guess we were just so happy to be married, so excited, hopeful and in love. There were definitely some moments that day when I really just wanted to CRY. :( Somehow, the pictures came out really nice even with the rain. Our photographers were the best. Craig and I were sealed for time and for all eternity in the Los Angeles temple. The sealing was perfect. I married Craig because he was the nicest guy I ever met--he still is! My favorite picture is the one of us with the Savior. He means so much to us in our marriage. I KNOW He watches over us and is always there for us through the good and bad.


bwyatt said...

Hey Suzy, I found your blog from facebook. I love your pictures! I think them being in the rain made them even more beautiful then the typical blue skys.I love that black dress in your engagement pics.

Lisa said...

What beautiful pictures!! This only confirms my belief that you could be Natalie Merchant's sister. :-)

Missed you this week.

chiggyz said...

I love that you posted these pictures!!!! You are so beautiful and Craig is so handsome. I can't tell it was raining. Your love for each other is all-empowering!!!