Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Making Valentines, Girl Scouts, and Home School Valentines Party

Yesterday the girls made Valentines to hand out at our home schooling party that we had today. We kept them simple, just stickers, markers and doilies. They loved getting creative although after a while, they got a little tired of writing their names!! (They made 30 each!)

Today was a very special day for Lala. She started in Daisies which is Girl Scouts for 5 & 6 year olds. Two weeks ago, was a very special day for Bella because she started in Brownies! (which I wish I would have taken a picture of!) They both are super excited to be a part of Girl Scouts! Today felt more "official" because today they came in their uniforms-- Bella in her vest, and Lala in her apron. Little by little we will be adding patches as they earn them. Girl Scouts is every two weeks at our home school park. They start with a little meeting together and then they break off into separate groups. Bella worked on making a puzzle in Brownies. Then they walked around the park looking for shapes in nature. Lala got to make a bracelet in Daisies (and even Ceci got to make one too!) Afterwards, they played "duck, duck, goose." We're all pretty excited to have joined Girl Scouts.

Then it was time to get ready for our Valentines Party! We had a little potluck and everybody brought decorated bags and boxes to put Valentines in. It was really fun going around the table filling everyone's bags. There are over 40 kids in our group so we got quite a lot! Afterwards, the kids had a great time playing and enjoying their Valentines and treats. I love being a part of our home schooling group and enjoying the company of other home schooling moms. I've made such wonderful friends and feel so blessed to be a part of this group! My kids are so blessed with such great friends.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

That's a huge bunch of children! It looks like it was so much fun.

I've never seen a photo of Bella in braids before...she's just darling in them. :)