Monday, February 11, 2008

Lala's 5th Birthday (part 1) A trip to the Snow!!

Today we drove up to Mount Baldy to celebrate Lala's birthday.  We sledded, built a snowgirl, (Lala named her "birthday girl Lala") and rode the ski lift to the top of the mountain.  We got some snacks at the top and warmed up and then rode back down.  We had a wonderful time even though we aren't at all used to snow & cold.  Lala was a total trooper and partied in spite of being very cold and wet.  (At one point, Bella had to cry in the car for a bit while we finished our snowgirl.)  Riding the ski-lift was BEAUTIFUL!  My favorite part was that I got to snuggle my little birthday girl all the way up the mountain and all the way down.  The view from the top was gorgeous.  The girls fell asleep on the way home.  When we got home, we enjoyed some delicious vegetable soup to warm us up.


Tammy said...

Ha ha....I LOVE the photo of the girls asleep! So cute!

Brenda said...

That's the way I like the snow, for ONE day!! I always have mixed feelings about your beautiful pictures. They look fun, but I know those family events are also a lot of work too!!

susan said...

I want to say Happy Birthday because that's what we say about Lala. I want to watch a movie about Lala.