Sunday, January 4, 2009

Brieanne's Birthday Dinner

January 2nd is Brieanne's birthday so I had her family and the missionaries over for dinner to celebrate today. We had meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli and salad. For the salad, we got to harvest our own buttercrunch lettuce from the garden! (for the first time) It was delicious! Craig made the meatloaf and it turned out wonderfully.

I made carob brownies with carob sauce which weren't too bad either!! :) I really wanted Brieanne to know how much I LOVE her, so I hope she felt the love! :) (I think she did.) We had a super fun time!

Garden Update

This is our buttercrunch lettuce and our sugar peas. No pods yet though on the peas, but blossoms. There are carrot tops next to the lettuce too.

Our Three Angels

Over some days before Christmas, the girls and I made these little angels from wool felt. We got the instructions from the Living Crafts magazine from Winter '07. The first is the one Lala made (for me,) then the one Bella made for Grandma, then the one I made. I thought I would post this picture along with this post because I gave the angel I made to Brieanne for her birthday!


Krista Lou Cook said...

The fact that you are even growing lettuce in January is amazing enough for me.

cynthia said...

Yea!!! I finally get to see what Brieanne looks like. She is beautiful! So are those cute missionaries! I can't wait to see the baptism pictures!! Your probably having lots of fun with Yvonne!
Please skype us!!