I can hardly find the words to describe how happy I am that my dear-friend-soul-mate Brieanne AND her husband Eric got baptized last Sunday night. I've been putting off blogging about it because I know words can't possibly do justice to what I feel. Really!!
I met Brieanne last April at the South Pasadena farmers market because of a t-shirt! About 6 months prior to us meeting, I had learned about how much pesticide is used on cotton and had decided to strive to buy only organic or recycled clothing so I would not support the use of pesticide. (Unfortunately, there is not a lot of organic clothing for children out there!) So there I was at the farmers market and I recognized a particular organic t-shirt that Brieanne's 2 1/2 year old daughter Tristan was wearing! I literally thought to myself "I need to be friends with that little girl's mother!"
Brieanne wasn't actually around at the moment (she was shopping) so I started talking to Eric. He was super-friendly and we started talking about the different companies we shop from that carry organic clothing and fabric. Soon after, Brieanne came by and he introduced us. I knew instantly I had met a kindred spirit! We exchanged numbers and decided to talk and get together.
Because she looked like such a hippy-chick, I determined for our first phone conversation that I should tell her right away that I'm a conservative mormon and that I'm NOT a vegetarian. ( I was worried she wouldn't like these things, so I wanted to get it out right away!) :) Well, it turned out that SHE is a conservative Christian and that she had actually been studying with the mormon missionaries during the prior summer! ('07) Then it turned out she's absolutely not a vegetarian and that we both subscribe to the Nourishing Traditions way of eating. Nourishing Traditions is a pretty specific way of eating so this was really exciting to have so much in common!
After this, we started hanging out pretty regularly. Over the months, I have come to learn that Brieanne is truly one of the most amazing people I've ever met!! She has chickens for fresh eggs, has a big wonderful garden for fresh veggies and fruit, she sews and makes almost all her children's clothes and she cooks SUPER-DUPER healthily and is a fabulous cook! (She's what I aspire to be!) She's also totally nice, generous, down to earth, and funny.
I honestly never expected her to join the church as fast as she has. I always knew she would, but I just didn't think it would be this soon! But she already believed almost everything a mormon believes! It was only a matter of time. What's so beautiful and amazing is how Eric came to gain his testimony through many answered prayers. Heavenly Father is soooooooooo awesome!
I can't thank my Heavenly Father enough for allowing me to have Brieanne for a friend and to have been blessed to be a part of these wonderful events. It is such a wonderful feeling.
The baptism was absolutely beautiful. We opened with "Baptism" from the Children's songbook. I got to sing a song (Here, By The Water So Clear) and Craig got to give the talk on the Holy Ghost which he did wonderfully. There was a very big turnout and the Spirit was SUPER STRONG. My dad was there and so was my sister Yvonne and all her kids. I wish I would have taken more pictures!! It was Elder Talbert's (the one who baptized Brienanne) first baptism of his mission! We closed with "I know that my Redeemer lives." It was wonderful! Afterwards, we had a big dinner at our house.
I can't say enough how wonderful this experience was! I love you Brieanne!
Oh this is just wonderful news. Congratulations Brieanne and hubby! :)
That does sound blissfully wonderful!What a great experience to hold onto and cherish forever!
That is a great story! How great that you got to be a part of it!!
I am so happy for them and for you. "How great shall be your joy if you bring one soul to Heavenly Father!" You brought a family! I'm so happy they took this big step TOGETHER! I hope I get meet them this summer. Congratulations to you all!
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