Sunday, November 2, 2008

Recordando a mi mami

I've never done an altar for Dia de los Muertos (although I do have some experience building altars!) This year I really wanted to do one for my mom. All week I've thought about what I would put on it besides the traditional papel picado, marigolds, sugar skulls and candles. I wanted to put things that represented her-- I thought, if she could come back for one day what would she want to do? to eat? So here are the things I came up with.

First and foremost, my mom was a Christian. She loved the Savior with all her heart. So I put a picture of Jesus. Along with that, she loved her family-- my dad, us children and her grandchildren. So I put a picture of her and my dad together and then her with some grandchildren. She would definitely want to play with her grandchildren if she could come back. She loved us and especially her grandchildren more than anything in the world! She and my dad together built such a strong foundation for us by dedicating themselves to the Savior and to us. She also loved the scriptures and read them regularly. So I put a Book of Mormon for her to read. My mom was mormon through and through.  Besides these very important things, my mom LOVED taking pictures (can you see I inherited that?) She was CRAZY about pictures and couldn't go without constantly snapping her camera and making scrapbooks. So I put a camera! I put the Star Trek DVD because she was a total Trekkie. (I did NOT inherit that!) She loved the old ones, the new ones, and she also loved many other sci-fi shows. Another favorite was the Twilight Zone. If she could come back, I would love to watch some Twilight Zone with her.

It was so fun thinking of my mom's favorite foods. The first thing I thought of was how much she loved cottage cheese mixed with yogurt. So that's what's in the bowl. I think if she came back, that might be the first thing she'd ask for! She also liked tamales quite a lot so I put one for her. She LOVED sweets!! She loved peanuts and Payday candy bars were one of her favorites. I also put a dulce de leche candy with peanuts that I got at Olvera Street which is very similar to a Payday. She would often get those at Olvera Street where she loved to go. The last thing I put was some pan dulce (sweet bread.) She loved that too!

I should add that the two shawls I used were both brought to me from Spain where my mom and dad were missionaries in the Canary Islands from 2000-2002.

So tonight, in honor of my mom, we had tamales for dinner and then some cottage cheese and yogurt. It was really neat to be thinking so much of her and enjoying her favorite foods! I think I was the most blessed person in the world to have my mom for my mother. She was the best. I love you mom!!

PS-- As I was buying some of these things last night, Craig goes, "your mom would think you were so weird for doing this!" and that is soooooooooo true! We never celebrated day of the dead in our family and I'm sure my mom is thinking I'm weird! :) She was much too practical for these sort of things.  Oh, how I love you mom!!

PPS-- Doesn't my mom have the most beautiful, iconic face?


Tammy said...

This is so nice. And what a lovely way to remember her and the things she loved in life. I bet she is laughing a little too, but with a whole lot of love in her heart for you to think of her in this way. :)

cynthia said...

I LOVE it!!!!! I am totally doing this tonight for family home evening.

Brenda said...

Suzy, you crazy shrine-builder! This is awesome. First of all it's beautiful. You put so many great reminders of Mom. Don't you need tres leches or flan though? I do share Mom's love of Star Trek and you picked a great DVD with pictures of Kirk and Pickard, we loved them both! Secondly, you are so right that Mommy would think you were so weird for building a shrine and celebrating Dia de los Muertos. She would also say, "That is so Suzy!" and love your quirkiness. Thirdly, I laughed out loud at Cindy. Maybe this should this be a Family Home Evening suggestion in the Friend magazine! I LOVE my crazy family!!! You girls are more Mexican than Mom and Grandma!

cynthia said...

HA,HA!!! I knew Brenda would think we were crazy!! I totally did do it for family home evening and my boys loved building it! We ate Pan Dulce after, which I bought at La Ranchera down the street! The candles are still glowing as I type! Viva la Raza!

chiggyz said...

I love that you made a shrine for your beautiful Mom. I want to do one for Anthony that is more elaborate and well thought out. You have inspired me. Your Mom does have the most beautiful iconic face--just like you. I miss you and hope you had a fun Halloween and a great dia de los muertos.

chiggyz said...

Thanks for all of your wonderful and sweet comments you made on my blog!!!! You are so sweet. I miss you so much and I hope we can see each other soon. I saw Cindy today just for a little while over at Susan's house. She looked so cute with her boys. (She got her wig at Tailor Made--the one she wore on Halloween). I love that store--especially at Halloween. I can't stop thinking about your Mom and you girls and what a legacy she left. I love your altar and yes--I feel like Anthony is all around me. I love all the pictures that Trent has taken of him--we are so lucky and you are so lucky your Mom loved to take pictures so much. She is a remarkable woman. Love ya tons.

chiggyz said...

PS Love the music on your blog!!!!

Lisa said...

Oh, I loved your Mommy, she was always smiling. I really think she was! I thought I was the only one who likes cottage cheese and yogurt.