Yesterday and today we worked on our autumn garden. Yesterday we tore out all the old tomato plants and weeds, etc. and put some compost down. While working, we discovered the biggest spider we've ever seen!! It was HUGE! Bigger than a quarter at least. Yuck. With him, we don't need to put up Halloween decorations!
Today we planted our seeds. We planted peas, two kinds of carrots, two kinds of broccoli, romaine lettuce, butter lettuce and swiss chard. I've never planted a cool season garden before! So it's kind of exciting.
The girls were so happy to help! They LOVED every part of the process from picking out the seeds at Whole Foods, to weeding, raking and sweeping, to examining and comparing the seeds and then finally planting them. They did a really good job planting. I mostly let them do it themselves once the soil was prepared.
Here's what Lala was singing while we were planting!! :)
The prophet said to plant a garden so that's what we'll do
For God has given rich brown soil, the rain and sunshine too
And if we plant the seeds just right and tend them carefully
Before we know, good things will grow to feed our family
We were also singing:
Mother Earth, Mother Earth take our seed and give it birth.
Father Sun, gleam and glow, until the roots begin to grow.
Sister Rain, Sister rain, shed thy tears to swell the grain.
Brother Wind, breathe and blow, and the blade green will grow.
Earth and Sun, Wind and Rain-
Turn to gold the living grain.
You are too lucky to be able to plant an autumn garden. What fun songs to sing. You are so amazing. I miss and love you tons!!!
You are very lucky to plant a garden all over again! Ours is dying and it is time to winterize! Love those beautiful songs!
I loved the garden songs! I also can just imagine where you are planting. I love all the songs about gardens and plants in the children's hymnal and have my kids sing them all the time.
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