Saturday, June 6, 2009

I finished it!!!!!!

I am soooooooooooooooooooooo happy! I finally finished Bella's dress. It was really hard! I can't believe I was able to finish it after torturing myself by going to Disneyland instead of sleeping! But I HAD to finish today (Friday night) so that I could take pictures of her in it and then make an invitation. So tonight I worked and worked and finished what was left-- the sleeves, the underarm seams and then the neckline. I prayed sooooo hard!! I feel I was very blessed. It's not perfect, but I truly am so glad that I made it. I put my blood, sweat and tears into this dress (literally-- it made me do all those things!) But more than anything, I put my LOVE into it!! I am so glad I made this dress. To accomplish something hard is truly exhilarating! :)


Tammy said...

Oh my gosh...SUZY...this is gorgeous!

chiggyz said...

That fabric does look tricky and the pattern too. I am amazed and impressed.

JenRocks said...

Simply gorgeous! Elegant and stunning and Bella looks so angelic! Way to go lady! I just got a sewing machine as a wedding gift and can't wait to start a project!

Miss you and love you!

Love, Jen :)