Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A yummy autumn soup

Yesterday we met several of our Waldorf home schooling friends to celebrate the harvest and Michaelmas! It was a potluck, so I made one of our favorite soups that my wonderful friend Susan taught me to make last year. I felt I needed to share it because it is soooooooo good and such a nice autumn thing to do. It's also quite easy. Here are the ingredients:

10-12 sweet potatoes OR one large butternut squash, peeled and cubed
2 cans coconut milk
1 large onion, diced
2 cloves garlic
1 tbsp. ginger (grated or from a jar)
2 handfuls of cilantro, chopped
2 tbsp. coconut oil.

Boil the potatoes/butternut until soft. Saute the onion in the coconut oil until clear--almost caramelized.
To the onions, add the ginger, press the garlic in and throw in the cilantro. Saute a bit longer (but don't let the garlic burn!) A couple of minutes should do. When the potatoes/butternut are soft, drain the water. Add the 2 cans of coconut milk and blend with a hand blender. Throw in a cup or two of water if it seems necessary. Then add the sauteed ingredients and salt to taste. It has a delicious Thai flavor. Serve with a good whole grain bread. YUM!!


Arizona Cotchers said...

Yummy! This sounds so good! We'll be having it for dinner sometime soon!

cynthia said...

yum! I wish I was eating it right now!!