Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dance Recital and Christmas Party

Yesterday was a busy one! Bella and Olivia had their end-of-class dance recital. Their class was a combo of tap, ballet and (I guess?) hip hop. So their dance was done to the song "Footloose." Yes, more Kenny Loggins. Anyways, the show and their dance were very cute and we LOVED the class all semester mostly because their teacher, Miss Claire, is an angel. And we were so glad Grandpa could come see the show!

Last night was our ward Christmas party. It started with a really nice turkey dinner. (I got to be a helper in the kitchen.) After peppermint ice cream for dessert, we had a sweet Nativity pageant. Bella and Olivia got to be angels in it. There was lots of singing throughout and I'm glad the congregation got to participate a lot because I LOVE singing the Christmas hymns! After the pageant, we sang some more festive Christmas songs into "Here comes Santa Claus" in preparation for his visit!! It was very special for us because my cute dad was playing Santa Claus!! The girls were so excited!! (They totally believe in Santa but know that he has helpers.) When Ceci saw Santa, she didn't like it, even though I told her it was grandpa. She recognized him, but still WOULD NOT go on his lap. I think the beard was freaking her out. Bella and Lala ran right up to him though. Later, when my dad was about to change, I tried to see if Ceci would go to him without the beard and she did. Now that's more like it. She LOVES her grandpa!!

PS Click here if you want to see last year's Christmas picture with Santa. It's fun to see how the girls have grown! :)


La Familia Torres said...

Suzy you are so awsome to blog like you do. I love all of these photos. It makes me so sad that I wasn't there with you guys. I hope to see you sometime this week. We miss you so much especially Sophia. Grandpa is so cute! I love the picture of him and Ceci kissing!

cynthia said...

I love all the pictures!!! Especially the one with Bella on Daddy's lap!! So cute! They are so lucky to have him so near! Love the ballet pictures too! Were the jeans part of the costume?? I love the paper for the paper chains too!

Brenda said...

Super cute! Your girls are and so is Daddy!

chiggyz said...

I absolutely love your little candy cane darlings!!!!!! They are so cute and your Dad is so adorable. I found the letter that you sent me with the essential oils book. It's such a nice letter. You are such a dear friend. I would pay you for some more of the oil with jasmine, rose and ylang, ylang.