Sunday, December 14, 2008

This Week

On Sunday we lit our second Advent candle and sang Christmas songs.

For family home evening, I put out a sweet new nativity for the girls to enjoy--they LOVED it!

We strung popcorn. We did about 12 feet of it! (and I made sure to put it away tightly so no critters would try to eat it :) )

We made a huge paper chain to get ready for our tree.

And I went to the Eco Gift Expo where I got to see MoJoW and bought wonderful kids clothes from companies like these: Green Edge Kids, Twigs and Twirls, and Garden Kids. (Organic and/or recycled clothing!) The Eco Gift Expo was AWESOME!

1 comment:

PeasleeHut said...


What a beautiful and creative scene. Since I LOVE blue, it is the prettiest creche I've ever seen, Wow!