Sunday, March 30, 2008

We finished our day by making delicious pizza on pre-made cornbread crust (from Whole Foods--soooooo yummy!) while the girls had a bath.  We ate the pizza and had petit fours while watching "Kiki's Delivery Service" on our bed.  (Ceci went night-night!)  I've ALWAYS wanted a reason to buy these petit fours at Whole Foods.  Bella's birthday was the perfect excuse!!  We each picked the one we wanted and then shared a few more.  YUM!


Tammy said...

Well now those all look delicious! lol.

Where did you get the fun plate? If you got it online, would you mind sharing the link? I bet the girls love using that plate on their birthdays.

chiggyz said...

O.K. Maybe petit fours and roller coasters!!!!

susan said...

I wish we could curl up on your bed too and watch a sweet little show, and eat delicious treats! You are a wonderful mama, and Happy Birthday to our sweet wonderful beautiful Bella!