Saturday, July 5, 2008

Provo Farmer's Market

My awesome friend Raquel runs the Provo Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings. We all went to check it out-- even Edie was there! (We had just missed Susan!:( ) We had a blast checking out all the vendors and the highlight was that I got to sing with the "Utah Ramblers!!" We did a shaky rendition of "Big Yellow Taxi." But it was super fun!! If I ever move back to Utah, at least I know I have a possible band! Thanks, Raquel for encouraging me to sing!! By the way, you must check out Raquel's blog!!

1 comment:

chiggyz said...

How fun that I ran into you guys at the Market and that I got to hear you sing. That was amazing. You are so talented. I love the picture of you and Raquel--two true beauties.