Thursday, July 17, 2008

We're back from our trip to Utah!!

Well, we rolled in last night (this morning, really) at around 3am.  We made it home safe, and now we're just trying to adjust to being back.  We had so much fun!!  I plan to blog something for every day of our trip and I'm just going to put the date that it happened, even though I didn't blog even once while we were gone.  (I'm weird that way.)  What a great time we had.  I already miss my friends and family there sooooooo much! Make sure and click on "older posts" cuz I've really added a lot!


chiggyz said...

You have added a ton. How do you find the time? I love all of your pictures.

pdore said...

Your trip looks like a blast, with terrific pictures as usual. I want to go to that water park!!

Lorell said...

Welcome back, I am glad you are safely home, it looks like you had an amazing time. You made Utah look fun! You always give me hope!